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Parsing Simple Data

Terence Parr

This entry leads you through the development of a simple parser for reading in name/age pairs. You'll see how to use

  • (...)+ loop to match sequences of characters and tokens.
  • Access token objects via labeling elements.
  • Have the lexer ignore whitespace and track line numbers.

You will print out the contents of an input file in a certain format. The input is:

Griffin 2
Terence 33
Karen   31
Tom     32
Pat     26

A grammar to recognize a sequence of name/age pairs is pretty simple. Define a grammar class derived from Parser to indicate you will be recognizing token streams (not characters or tree nodes).

class P extends Parser;

// match one-or-more 'name followed by age' pairs
    :   ( NAME AGE )+

We will define the references to NAME and AGE later, but for now assume they represent a series of letters and a series of digits, respectively. Also assume whitespace is ignored.

It's probably worth mentioning at this point that tools such as awk and PERL work on a line by line basis, not character by character. Hence, you could write a quick parser to read name/age pairs if they happen to be consistently on a line together or on separate lines. Here is a quick awk invocation that works if the data is on one line:

awk '{print "("$1","$2")"}' < input

Unfortunately, it will print "(,)" for empty lines at the end also.

A real parser, on the other hand, looks only at a stream of vocabulary symbols (tokens); they generally ignore whitespace unless it is part of the vocabulary such as in Python or make (tabs count--ick). Anyway, "right tool for the right job" etc...

Grammar P recognizes name/age sequences, but does nothing with them. In other words, no output is generated. Let's extend the grammar to generate output in the form of "(name,age)". In order to access the attributes of an input token, label the token reference, which gives you a token object that you can manipulate with standard methods such as getText. A simple System.out.println method call generates the desired output:

class P extends Parser;

// match one-or-more 'name followed by age' pairs
    :   (   n:NAME a:AGE
Lexical Analysis

A parser applies a grammatical structure to a sequence of input tokens, but where do the input tokens come from? From a beast called a lexical analyzer or lexer that scans the input characters looking for patterns. [Sounds like a parser doesn't it? It is, but lexers parse characters not tokens. ANTLR treats lexical analysis, parsing, and tree parsing as simply variations on recognition. This generalization provides a pleasing notational consistency across recognizer types.]

To define a vocabulary of tokens, create another grammar class, but this time derive it from Lexer and then create a rule for each token:

// Lexer framework (rule contents are missing here)
class L extends Lexer;

NAME:   ... ;

AGE :   ... ;

WS  :   ... ;   // white space, which will be ignored
To match any character in a range, use the range operator; for example, '0'..'9' matches a digit. Therefore, to match a series of digits, we can embed the range in the (...)+ positive closure (one-or-more) block or "loop". AGE can then be completely specified as:
// match a decimal age of any length
AGE :   ( '0'..'9' )+
Similarly, NAME can be specified as:
// match an upper/lower case name of any length
NAME:   ( 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' )+
The alternative operator '|' is used to indicate that either range can be matched. Each time through the loop the lexer will match either a lowercase or an uppercase letter.

Whitespace such as tab, space, and newline is very often ignored by parsers. Rather than have the parser try to match and ignore whitespace tokens everywhere, it is customary for the lexer to match and throw out whitespace. Ignoring whitespace in the lexer is a matter of specifying what constitutes whitespace and then setting the token type for that token to be a special value: Token.SKIP. Use ANTLR-action method $setType to set the token type. In the following rule, you'll note that rather than a $setType on each alternative, we grouped the alternatives and placed a single action at the end.

WS  :   (   ' '
        |   '\t'
        |   '\r' '\n' { newline(); }
        |   '\n'      { newline(); }
        {$setType(Token.SKIP);} //ignore this token
The Lexer has a predefined notion of newline or carriage return that is used in both the lexer and the parser for error handling and by user actions. A standard method newline can be called to increment the current line number.

This concludes both the parser and lexer. Easy, right? Put them both in the same file called t.g and run ANTLR on it to generate the implementation Java files:

$ java antlr.Tool t.g
ANTLR Parser Generator   Version 2.20   1997 MageLang Institute
To invoke the parser, a main program such as the following suffices:
import java.io.*;
class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            L lexer = new L(new DataInputStream(System.in));
            P parser = new P(lexer);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            System.err.println("exception: "+e);

Compile everything and run the input file through the program as standard input. You should get something similar to the following:

$ javac *.java
$ java Main < input

This Field Guide entry demonstrates all of the basic elements needed to build a typical parser and lexer. Future entries are more terse, but develop more complicated and useful recognizers and translators.


The following files contain the complete solution to the problem discussed here.