A BitSet to replace java.util.BitSet. Primary differences are that most set operators return new sets as opposed to oring and anding "in place". Further, a number of operations were added. I cannot contain a BitSet because there is no way to access the internal bits (which I need for speed) and, because it is final, I cannot subclass to add functionality. Consider defining set degree. Without access to the bits, I must call a method n times to test the ith bit...ack! Also seems like or() from util is wrong when size of incoming set is bigger than this.bits.length.
Constructor Summary | |
Construct a bitset of size one word (64 bits) |
BitSet(int nbits)
Construct a bitset given the size |
BitSet(long[] bits_)
Construction from a static array of longs |
Method Summary | |
void |
add(int el)
or this element into this set (grow as necessary to accommodate) |
BitSet |
and(BitSet a)
void |
andInPlace(BitSet a)
void |
void |
clear(int el)
java.lang.Object |
int |
boolean |
equals(java.lang.Object obj)
code "inherited" from java.util.BitSet |
static Vector |
getRanges(int[] elems)
Find ranges in a set element array. |
void |
growToInclude(int bit)
Grows the set to a larger number of bits. |
int |
return how much space is being used by the bits array not how many actually have member bits on. |
boolean |
member(int el)
boolean |
BitSet |
void |
void |
notInPlace(int maxBit)
complement bits in the range 0..maxBit. |
void |
notInPlace(int minBit,
int maxBit)
complement bits in the range minBit..maxBit. |
static BitSet |
of(int el)
BitSet |
or(BitSet a)
return this | a in a new set |
void |
orInPlace(BitSet a)
void |
remove(int el)
int |
boolean |
subset(BitSet a)
Is this contained within a? |
void |
subtractInPlace(BitSet a)
Subtract the elements of 'a' from 'this' in-place. |
int[] |
long[] |
java.lang.String |
java.lang.String |
toString(java.lang.String separator)
Transform a bit set into a string by formatting each element as an integer |
java.lang.String |
toString(java.lang.String separator,
CharFormatter formatter)
Transform a bit set into a string of characters. |
java.lang.String |
toString(java.lang.String separator,
Vector vocabulary)
Create a string representation where instead of integer elements, the ith element of vocabulary is displayed instead. |
java.lang.String |
Dump a comma-separated list of the words making up the bit set. |
java.lang.String |
Dump a comma-separated list of the words making up the bit set. |
java.lang.String |
toStringWithRanges(java.lang.String separator,
CharFormatter formatter)
Print out the bit set but collapse char ranges. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public BitSet()
public BitSet(long[] bits_)
public BitSet(int nbits)
- The size of the bitset in bitsMethod Detail |
public void add(int el)
public BitSet and(BitSet a)
public void andInPlace(BitSet a)
public void clear()
public void clear(int el)
public java.lang.Object clone()
public int degree()
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
public static Vector getRanges(int[] elems)
public void growToInclude(int bit)
- element that must fit in setpublic boolean member(int el)
public boolean nil()
public BitSet not()
public void notInPlace()
public void notInPlace(int maxBit)
public void notInPlace(int minBit, int maxBit)
public static BitSet of(int el)
public BitSet or(BitSet a)
public void orInPlace(BitSet a)
public void remove(int el)
public int size()
public int lengthInLongWords()
public boolean subset(BitSet a)
public void subtractInPlace(BitSet a)
public int[] toArray()
public long[] toPackedArray()
public java.lang.String toString()
public java.lang.String toString(java.lang.String separator)
public java.lang.String toString(java.lang.String separator, CharFormatter formatter)
- An object implementing the CharFormatter interface.
public java.lang.String toString(java.lang.String separator, Vector vocabulary)
public java.lang.String toStringOfHalfWords()
public java.lang.String toStringOfWords()
public java.lang.String toStringWithRanges(java.lang.String separator, CharFormatter formatter)